| |  | | Build Back Better Campaign ASBC has stood tall in our support of the Build Back Better Act since the very beginning. To demonstrate why it is so significant to our members and to a just, sustainable, and healthy economy, we developed a sign on letter for businesses to show their support and more than 400 businesses signed on within the first few days. And more companies continue to sign on. The White House recognized our campaign in a press release on September 27, which included this quote from ASBC CEO and co-founder Jeffrey Hollender, “Companies are seriously concerned about climate change and its impact on American businesses, and those which signed on recognize the necessity and urgency of this bill. With it will come the investments needed to build back better, and it includes adequate and appropriate means to fund it as proposed. It’s absurd that any pro-business group which purports to represent the interests of American businesses would not be unequivocally supportive unless they were more concerned with their own short-term gains than the survival of our planet and future generations.” With the support of businesses we are showing a collective front to government leaders, as well as to the community. The Build Back Better Act will create jobs in sectors that need further development, such as renewable energy, cut taxes for most, and will also help working families with childcare, and other necessities. It will benefit everyone in the work environment, and will help the economy grow in the direction we and our environment need it to grow. It will push our economy to the next level and make for safer work environments, especially for those with families, as well as women, and minorities. To encourage more businesses to join, ASBC created an advertising campaign within a matter of days to emphasize the urgency with which Congress should act. The campaign focuses on climate change and includes an image of fires that was used for the West coast, and an image with flooding for the East. This campaign is raising awareness of the impending climate crisis and the opportunity for American businesses to voice their support for legislative action to fight climate change. Click To Tweet: #ClimateChange has now moved to #ClimateCrisis. We must band together in order to reverse the impending effects we are having on our climate. | |  | | | | | |  | | | Representative Clyburn on the importance of voting rights On September 8, ASBC, SVC, Main Street Alliance and Small Business Majority held a virtual event featuring Majority Whip James E. Clyburn. This was an open discussion to learn from one of the foremost experts in Congress about protecting voting rights. Representative Clyburn shared his experience growing up with a mother who owned a small business, and how that impacted his life. Representative Clyburn was able to discuss the restrictions on voting rights and the impact it is having on small businesses and the economy. He was very candid about how protecting voting rights is a critically important necessity to preserve our democracy, and the positive effects a participatory democracy has on small businesses, individual workers, and the economy. The event ended with business leaders speaking about voting rights and opening up for questions about voting rights and the economy. Click To Tweet: I stand for fair and just voting rights for all. #votingrights | | |  | One year anniversary of the Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative ASBC along with Cancer Free Economy hosted Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative (CCPI) Report Anniversary Week, where the groups analyzed and reaffirmed the information in the Report linking environmental causes to childhood cancer. As a part of anniversary week, there were six webinars featuring a variety of expert speakers ranging from scientists to advocates discussing childhood cancer prevention through a variety of frames. CCPI also released an addendum to the report with updated statistics and information since its publication last year. Recordings from all the webinars will be made available. Click To Tweet: After a year it is important to reflect but also to not stop learning about the causes to childhood cancer. | |  | ASBC’s Thomas Oppel speaks about sustainable futures for businesses Thomas Oppel, ASBC’s executive vice president, spoke as a panelist about “Reimagining Packaging: Innovations & Tools for a Sustainable Future” at the Expo East trade conference in Philadelphia. It started with updates by Lara Dickinson of ASBC member OSC2, and was followed by a panel conversation moderated by Fran Schoenwetter of New Hope with additional panelists Anthony Rossi of TerraCycle, and Ethan Soloviev of How Good. Oppel discussed the importance of the Build Back Better agenda and urged businesses to speak out and support. Also, he discussed the connection between sustainable packaging, circular economy and climate change. Click To Tweet: A sustainable future requires a #circulareconomy and real action on the #climatecrisis. Sign on here to support the Build Back Better agenda. | | | | | | Working Group Updates Look for the latest information from ASBC Working Groups on our website and in upcoming issues of Policy Update. | | Climate & Energy: During Climate Week, businesses from across the country sat down with their respective congressional leadership to show support the Build Back Better Agenda and the key climate provisions included. From South Carolina across to California, ASBC members spent Climate Week meeting(virtually) with their elected leaders in D.C. to show support for the critical plan that is currently pending in front of congress. They were joined by over 300 businesses who also called for congress to act on Build Back Better Agenda. The plan, in combination with the pending infrastructure bill, would create millions of jobs across the country focused on the transition away from fossil fuels and a clean energy future, make critical improvements in our current transportation infrastructure and make up for time lost in dealing with the climate crisis from the last four years of inaction. The message was clear from the business leaders, there are no jobs on a dead planet. The week of congressional meetings was capped with a sit-down conversation between the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality and ASBC members. See our recording to learn more. | | | | | Circular Economy/Infrastructure: ASBC’s Circular Economy group met September 15th, hearing a special report from Jordan Wells with ASBC member National Stewardship Action Council about a California victory for “truth in recycling.” CA SB343 bars producers from using the “chasing arrows” recycling image on products and packaging unless they meet standards set by the state board governing recycling in the Golden State. The group also got an update on a potential national bottle bill being drafted by the Congressional authors of the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act. | | | | Corporate Transparency & ESG Disclosure: The working group met on September 8th and had a special presentation by Ian Gary, Executive Director of. The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition. The FACT Coalition is a non-partisan alliance of more than 100 state, national, and international organizations working toward a fair tax system that addresses the challenges of a global economy and promoting policies to combat the harmful impacts of corrupt financial practices. | | | | Always Open: Problem-Solving Resources You can count on ASBC sending you timely action tips on legislative issues affecting your business, and we also offer busy leaders a wealth of in-depth guidance you can access any time on our website. Want the details on how famous companies of all sizes provide a high-road workplace – and how it boosts their business? Need to make a big media impression (or lots of them) with your firm’s sustainability news? Want to persuade your market why safer, greener products matter? Need to make your responsible business case for better laws to your elected officials at local, state and national levels? ASBC’s online library of resources can help with these and more. Check out the Research & Data and Policy & Action sections on the ASBC website and contact us with your questions or suggestions. | | - On September 6, The Hill published “Businesses want Congress to support safe, quality jobs—so do nearly all Americans.” The article was written by David Levine, the president and co-founder of ASBC. The article describes the need for the Pro Act and just how beneficial it will be for working people, business owners, and for the economy as a whole. Read the article here.
- On September 9, Fortune published “What Seventh Generation co-founder Jeffrey Hollender wants to see under stakeholder capitalism.” Seventh Generation is an ASBC member and Jeffrey Hollender is ASBC’s CEO and co-founder. Hollender was able to open up about what is needed in stakeholder capitalism. Read the article here.
- On September 21, Jeffrey Hollender, ASBC’s CEO and co-founder, wrote an article titled, “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” that was published by Impact Entrepreneur. This article discusses stakeholders and the role they play in the economy. You can read the article here.
- On September 22, ASBC was in a Pennsylvania news story quoting Thomas Oppel, ASBC’s executive vice president, discussing the need for an increase in the minimum wage. Read the article here.
- On September 24, ASBC was mentioned in an article by Bloomberg titled “Treasury Urged to Ban Use of Stimulus Aid to Build New Prisons.” It explains how ASBC is a signatory to a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to urge the stopping of states using CARES Act and many other sources to fund prison construction projects. You can read the full article here.
| | | Prospera (Association) For over two decades, Prospera has partnered with Latina entrepreneurs to launch social enterprises that foster cooperation, economic independence, and well-being in immigrant communities. Prospera is the only organization in the US advancing cooperative business development specifically for Latina immigrants in Spanish, through our comprehensive, culturally specific training and technical assistance programs. Prospera is an organization run by and for Latina immigrant women, but Latinas are not a monolith. Within this broad identity category, Prospera represents a wide range of cultural and spiritual practices, socioeconomic classes, educational backgrounds, and immigration statuses. They are multilingual and multiracial. Together they make up a rich tapestry of perspectives that informs everything we do. Untours Foundation (Business - Community) Untours Foundation owns the travel company, Untours (the world’s first Certified B Corporation), invests the company’s profits and other donated funds into world-changing businesses, and helps other foundations similarly align their endowment investments with their missions. Bennu Advisory Group (Business - Community) Bennu Advisory Group’s mission is to provide individuals, organizations, and businesses with the skills and information necessary to create a more equitable and just environment for all. They provide consulting and training services that help address important issues in the workplace, provide sustainable and scalable solutions, provide oversight as businesses implement new policies and procedures while we assist their accountability. Bennu Advisory Group brings together an experienced team of trainers, public service advocates, social justice specialists, and grassroots leaders to advocate for social and economic justice. Steward (Business - Community) Steward is a private lender, working with regenerative farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and producers to provide the capital they need to expand and sustain their businesses. As their businesses grow and generate more revenue, they pay back their loan with interest. It’s really that simple. Dandi Day (Association) A Conscious Beauty Firm. Curating beauty industry insights for brands and product creators focused on sustainable strategies and conscious innovation. Intentional Endowments Network (Association) The Intentional Endowments Network (IEN) is a non-profit, peer-learning network advancing intentionally designed endowments – those that seek to enhance financial performance by making investments that advance an equitable, low carbon, and regenerative economy. Working closely with leading organizations, the network engages leaders and key stakeholders from higher education, foundations, business, and nonprofits. We provide opportunities for learning and education, peer networking, convening, thought leadership and information exchange around a variety of sustainable investing strategies. | | | Member & Staff News - EarthKind won the Global Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award. This was given to them because of their Year of the Monarch Campaign. Read about the company and their accomplishment here.
- SunCommon: Williston solar company iSun buys Suncommon for $40 million
- Naturepedic: Wins the Business Intelligence Group’s Global Sustainability Leadership Award
- National Stewardship Action Council: California is leading the nation once again with the passage Senate Bill 343 (Allen), which bans the use of the chasing arrows recycling symbol on products and packaging that are not recyclable in the state. Co-sponsored by ASBC member the National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC), the bill passed out of both houses in the final days the legislature met but only after months of negotiations with the opposition and thanks to an NSAC organized lobbying coalition comprised of environmental organizations, waste haulers, recyclers, local governments, and businesses such as ASBC’s own Seventh Generation. The bill now goes to Governor Newsom’s desk, with October 10th being his last day to approve and sign. Unless vetoed, the bill will become law regardless of whether it receives the Governor’s signature. SB 343 will help to significantly reduce consumer confusion and contamination in the system, leading to reduced costs. Around 30 states still require the chasing arrows recycling symbol and the industry vowed to change the laws in these states over the next two years. Email jordan@nsaction.us for more info, to get involved, or pass something similar in other states.
- ECOS: Resolution 12-5 Principles of Extended Producer Responsibility and the Definition of Product Stewardship
- Steward: Raises $8.8M, Announces Series A Investment Round with Trio of Purpose-Driven Investors Joining Board
- Patagonia’s CEO was featured in an interview published by BusinessInsider describing the company and his first year as CEO. Read the full article here.
| | |  | Membership Interview with Bri Decker, Director, Sustainability & Social Impact, Avocado Green Brands from Sustainability and Social Impact Why is sustainability important to your business? Sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do because we genuinely care about the earth and its inhabitants. From a business perspective, we’re a brand that relies almost exclusively on organic and natural materials. As the climate continues to change, it has the potential to seriously disrupt our supply chain and stop us from being able to provide high quality products to consumers who value organic materials and mindful business practices. How do you realize your vision for sustainability/what successes can you point to? We work to apply the concept of sustainability to nearly every aspect of the business. From sourcing materials, to manufacturing, to last mile logistics, and even into our marketing campaigns, we have identified KPIs and goals to work towards. We measure our own success not only by looking at our progress towards our long-term goals but also by holding ourselves accountable against rigorous standards such as B-Corp, Climate Neutral, 1% for the Planet, and Certified Organic. What public policy priorities are of greatest importance to you at this time and why? We are passionate about every issue that the ASBC is looking to address. Not only do they speak to our values as an organization, but we also feel that each issue area the ASBC is involved in impacts our business. Right now, we’re particularly interested in the sustainable components of the infrastructure bill as it has the potential to influence every American's quality of life -- including renewable energy investments, regenerative agriculture, public transportation, and clean drinking water. How does being part of ASBC help you to fulfill your goal(s)? We believe that the private sector has a tremendous ability (and thus responsibility) to influence public policy. Lawmakers value the voice of organizations operating within their districts and when we come together speaking as a unified force representing a wide variety of industries, our voices are amplified. | | ASBC Welcomes new interns | | | | Renee Jean-Baptiste joined the ASBC team as a Communications Intern. Renee is currently double majoring in Public Relations & Strategic Communications and Business Administration at American University. She has a background working in food waste recovery. | | | | Abby Maxwell is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy at American University. She is passionate about sustainability and climate change mitigation, and how policies in this area can connect and support the mission of environmental justice and equity. | | | | ASBC Members, Let Us Help You Share Your News! Your ASBC membership is a valuable networking opportunity to share your news with other mission-driven companies and supporters nationwide. Please send us your product and service introductions, personnel and facility changes, awards, charitable events and other news in your press releases, blogs, captioned photos and videos. We’ll include them in ASBC’s monthly Policy Update newsletter and social media outlets. AND....Show your customers, prospects and vendors your values right upfront: display the “Proud Member of ASBC” logo on your website and marketing materials. ASBC appreciates your support for our work and we’re proud to support you all the way! | | Upcoming Events Advancing Corporate Tax Transparency Webinar | October 6, 2021: 1 - 2 PM ET Join ASBC-SVC members along with Ian Gary, U.S. Representative Cindy Axne, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen and ASBC’s Ali-Reza Vahabzadeh in a discussion about the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act. RESTORE, REGENERATE, RE-IMAGINE! ASBC-SVC Live Conference Paradise Point, San Diego, CA | December 8-11, 2021 Join ASBC-SVC members, legislators, influencers and other inspiring leaders at the in-person conference this December 8-11 in San Diego, CA at Paradise Point. REGISTER NOW for the conference and receive 10% off with code WEAREBACK here (scroll to end for installment payment option). Not yet an ASBC-SVC member? Join here (annual or monthly) to access this initial registration period and discount. (See the event story in this Policy Update.) Please note: Our discounted room block is already >90% sold. | | | | | | | | American Sustainable Business Council 712 H Street, NE, PMB 42, | Washington, District of Columbia 20002 202-660-1455 | replies@asbcouncil.org | | | | | | | |