| Business Leaders and Policy Experts Explore How to Save Capitalism on Dec. 10-11 ASBC’S Sustainable Business & Advocacy Summit in D.C. this December, “Making Capitalism Work for All,” will convene a thought-provoking range of speakers from the left, right and center perspectives. All are concerned with the escalating, documented dangers to everything from a livable climate to social mobility – dangers caused by unaccountable capitalism, aided and abetted by irresponsible policy. More than random, deficit-increasing tax breaks, businesses need an economy with fair, stable rules that lets them anticipate risks and plan realistically. The Summit will assess solutions and make the business case for practices that create long-term value – then take the case to both parties on Capitol Hill. Summit attendees will hear from these and other leaders: Jay Cohen Gilbert, founder of B Lab; Chris Lu, senior strategy advisor, Fiscal Note and former deputy secretary, U.S. Department of Labor; Thea Mei Lee, president, Economic Policy Institute; Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder & CEO of ASBC and founder, Seventh Generation; Kristen Silverberg, EVP of Policy, Business Roundtable; Rodney Foxworth, executive director, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE); Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks president & CEO, Earth Friendly Products; John Hocevar, Oceans Campaign director, Greenpeace USA; Evan McMullin, co-founder, Stand Up Republic; Clint Odom, executive director and senior VP for Policy & Advocacy, National Urban League; Bill Parks, founder and president, Northwest River Supplies and founding director, SalesFactor.org; Adrienne Schweer, Bipartisan Policy Center fellow and former chief of Protocol, the Pentagon, U.S. Dept. of Defense; Anas “Andy” Shallal, founder, Busboys and Poets; Andy Stern, co-founder, Workers Benefit Fund and president emeritus, SEIU; Dr. Maya Rockeymoore founder, president, and CEO, Global Policy Solutions; Quill Robinson, legislative director, American Conservation Coalition; Hugh Welsh, president, DSM North America; Martin H. Wolf director of Sustainability & Authenticity, Seventh Generation; Jon Cardinal director of economic development, office of US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand; Nancy Jacobson, founder, No Labels. (See complete current list of speakers.) Whether it’s called stakeholder, sustainable, or responsible capitalism, it has the power to fuel and guide solutions for a habitable planet AND a vibrant economy. Let’s not wait for 2020: Join us at the Summit this Dec. 10-11, and help change how America does business – for the better. Register before Sept. 27 for Super-Early Bird Discounts. Email Summit2019@asbcouncil.org | | | | | |  | CA Chemical Safety Act Fades; Federal Bill Steps Up August ended with a disappointing surprise – the Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act of 2019 failed to reach its final floor vote in California. Despite its overwhelming bipartisan support, SB574 got stuck in the California State Assembly’s Appropriations committee and is now considered dead for the year. But the battle for transparency doesn’t end here. On September 12, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced H.R. 4296, the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2019. This is the only federal bill that would require supply chain transparency and industry sharing of safety data to help level the playing field for responsible, clean cosmetic companies and protect people. American Sustainable Business Council has publicly endorsed this bill. We urge you to support this legislation that will provide the regulatory framework to ensure the safety of cosmetics and personal care products. Click to Tweet using the CTT button below: When all cosmetics manufacturers use safer chemicals in their manufacturing, it spurs innovation, lowers non-toxic ingredient costs, and delivers more opportunities for business and job growth. Sign on https://ctt.ec/Vk2AY+ to show your support for #HR4296! | | | |  | Clock Runs Out on Plastic Waste Pollution Bill ASBC has closely followed two companion bills in California, SB54 and AB1080, which addressed the plastic waste pollution crisis. With the in-district advocacy help of some of our members and a successful lobby day in Sacramento last month, these bills were expected to pass through the final session days in mid-September. Unfortunately, protests on a different topic disrupted the schedule and the session ended before a vote could be taken on these bills. We are hopeful these bills will take on a new life during the next legislative year! Stay connected as we update our website and shift our focus to the federal level through several pending Congressional initiatives. | | | | |  | ASBC Sustainable Packaging Group Makes Strong Progress Using our work in California as a launching point, ASBC’s Sustainable Packaging working group has made huge strides towards federal-level efforts. Following Sen. Udall and Rep. Lowenthal’s announcement of their intention to introduce legislation that addresses plastic waste, our working group submitted a public comment. This effort opened the doors to more opportunities to work with Udall and Lowenthal’s offices and also led to meetings with Rep. Stevens and Rep. Schrier. Stay connected to see what’s next in our federal efforts to tackle the plastic waste crisis! Sign up to stay in the loop or get involved with our Sustainable Packaging campaign. | | | |  | EPA Weakens Protection for Clean Water Despite sound objections from the responsible business community, the EPA has finalized the rollback of the Clean Water Rule. The rule, implemented under the Obama administration, would have generated more than $400 million annually in economic benefits. As the administration schedules replacing the Clean Water Rule with a version that further weakens clean water protection, ASBC will continue to bring the business fight to oppose such dangerous rollbacks. Please sign on here to support stronger protections for our water. Click to Tweet using the CTT button below: Despite objections from the responsible business community, the EPA finalized its rollback of the Clean Water Rule this month. Sign on to voice support #ASBC as we advocate to restore the Rule and strengthen water protections: https://bit.ly/2kf0qq | | | | | | Media Coverage, Blogs, and More: | | | | | | Upcoming Events The Responsible Business Summit West brings together 250+ CEOs sustainability leaders, investors, government representatives and NGOs to provide the blueprint for innovations and explore technologies that will drive the change sustainability will shape. Join At The Epicenter for the third annual Regenerative Earth Summit (RES19) that convenes global leaders from business, agriculture, academia and civic sectors who recognize we can accelerate systemic change in land-to-market systems benefitting people and planet. Recognizing earth as the source, not a resource, it is crucial that businesses become stakeholders in climate action through their purchasing power and supply source decisions. Join ASBC members and other mission-based businesses from around the country for two intensive, inspiring days of learning, networking and advocacy. Hear from over a dozen provocative, high-profile speakers from across the political spectrum, share best practices in panels and roundtables, applaud our Sustainability Award winners and carry ASBC’s sustainable business views on policy to Capitol Hill, as we meet with members of Congress from both parties. Check out our exciting Agenda and Register before Sept. 27 for Super-Early Bird Discounts! | | | | | | | | Contact Us American Sustainable Business Council 1001 G Street NW, Suite 400E Washington, District of Columbia 20001-4559 (202) 595-9302 replies@asbcouncil.org | | | | | | | |